Sunday, 31 December 2017


Raw Banana is called Jeeva Kela in Konkani.Jeeva Kelya humman is a Konkani dish.
Konkani People prepare varities of curries and snacks  with Raw Banana

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this Jeeva KelyaHumman.


Raw Banana. -a cluster of small tender bananas
Salt.               -to taste

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil/ Oil. -1tsp
Mustard seeds. -1/2 tsp
Dry Red chilly. - 2 broken into two pieces.
Curry leaves.   - 1 spring


Remove the green skin of the raw Banana and cut length wise and then chop into small cubes and keep them in water  for few minutes.


Heat Oil in a pan a nd splutter Mustard seeds.

When the Mustard seeds splutter add Red chilly broken into bits and add Curry leaves.

Discard water and add the chopped Banana pieces and saute well.

Add Salt and enough water and mix well.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook on low flame till the banana pieces become soft and cooked well.

Switch off the flame.

A tasty  Jeva Kelya Humman is ready to serve hot with rice as a side dish.

Try the recipe and enjoy the dish.

MOONG & POTATO GHASSI / Green gram &Potato Coconut Masala Curry /Cheru Payar Curry

Green gram is called Moong in Konkani.
In Malayalam Green gram is called Cheru Payar.Moong Ghassi is a Coconut based Green gram Coconut Masala Curry.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this Green gram& Potato Coconut Masala Curry.


Green gram. -1 cup soaked
Potato.          - 1 small chopped
Salt.              -to taste

For grinding Coconut Masala Paste:-

Coconut grated. -1cup
Red chillies.       -5 roasted
Tamarind pulp    -1 tsp thick.

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil. -2tsp
Mustard seeds. -1/2tsp
Curry leaves. -1 spring


Wash and soak Green gram for 8 hours and pressure cook adding Salt and required Water for 5 whistles.Keep aside.

Peel the skin and chop a small Potato into very small square pieces. Wash and cook in a vessel adding little Water till soft and well cooked. Keep aside.

Roast 5 Red chillies in little oil .Grind 1cup grated Coconut, 5 roasted Red chilly and 1tsp Tamarind pulp to a smooth paste.Keep aside.


In a cooking vessel add the cooked Potato pieces and cooked Green gram and boil well adding little Salt and little Water for 2 minutes on medium flame.

Add the ground Coconut Masala paste into vessel and mix with the cooked Green gram and Potato square pieces.

Add Water to get the desired consistency but not too watery.Semi thick gravy is good for serving with plain Rice.

Check Salt and mix well and boil on low flame.

Heat 2tsp Coconut Oil in a pan and splutter 1/2 tsp Mustard seeds.Add Curry leaves and fry for a second and switch oof the flame.

Pour this seasoning over the Ghassi in the vessel  and cover the vessel with a lid.

A tasty Moong & Potato  Ghassi is ready to serve hot with Rice, Dosa or Sandan.

(You can add Chinese Potato instead of Potato in this recipe.)

Try the recipe and enjoy the dish.

OVERO & POTATO DHEVI MASOLA GHASSI/ Potato Broad beans Coconut Masala Curry

Broad beans is called Overo in Konkani. Overo Potato Dhevi Masola Ghassi is a Coconut based Konkani dish. The Coconut Masala Curry is called Ghassi and the Coconut Masala paste is called Dhevi Masolu in Konkani.

Kochi GSB people make 2 types of Ghassi with Coconut grating. Dhevi Ghassi and Soyi Bajjilli Ghassi.
Fresh Coconut grating is used in Dhevi Ghassi for preparing Coconut Masala paste.
Roasted Coconut grating is used in Soyi Bajjilli Ghassi for preparing Coconut masala paste.The ingredients used for making Coconut Masala paste is also different in both the Ghassi.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this Potato Broad beans Coconut Masala Curry/ Overo Potato Dhevi Masola Ghassi.


Overo/Broad beans/Flat beans.-1 cup
Potato.                                       - 2 medium size
Salt.                                            - to taste
Dry Mango pieces.                     -2 small piece or  Dharmbya soli [Kudampuli]- a small piece.

For grinding the Coconut Masala paste:-

Coconut grated.   -1 cup
Dry Red chilly.      -5
Turmeric powder. -1/4 tsp

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil.      -1tsp
Urad dal.           -1tsp
Mustard seeds. -1tsp

Curry leaves.     -few [optional]


Remove the outer skin of 2 medium size Potatoes and chop them into medium square pieces.Keep aside.

Wash and soak 1cup Broad beans/Overo in Water overnight or 8 hours.Pressure cook the soaked Broad beans/ Overo along with chopped Potato pieces adding required Water for 2 whistle till soft and firm.Keep aside.

Grind the grated Coconut, dry Red chillies and Turmeric powder to a smooth paste adding little Water.Keep aside.


Boil 1cup  of Water in a cooking vessel and add the pressure cooked Broad beans/ Overo and Potato pieces into the vessel. Mix well and cook for 1 minute.

Add Salt and mix well.

Add 2 small dry Mango pieces or a small piece of Dharmbya sol / Kudampuli. Add little Water and mix well.

Cover the vessel with a lid and cook on low flame for 2 minutes.

Add the ground Coconut Masala paste and mix well.Boil and cook on low flame till the raw smell of the Coconut Masala goes off.

The consistency of the gravy is semi thick.You can add little more Water and boil according to your choice. Switch off the flame.Semi thick gravy is good for serving.

Heat Coconut oil in a pan for seasoning and add Urad dal.When Urad dal starts to change its colour splutter Mustard seeds and saute well. [Add Curry leaves and fry for a second - optional] and switch off the flame.

Pour the above seasoning into the Curry in the cooking vessel.

A tasty and delicious  Overo & Potato Dhevi Masola Ghassi is ready to serve with Rice

TAMARIND RASAM adding SPICE POWDERS/ Chinchamba Saaru/ Puli Rasam

Tamarind Rasam is called Chinchamba Saaru in Konkani.This rasam is a Popular dish in Konkani community. Tamarind Rasam is also known as Puli Rasam in Tamil and Malayalam.

Different types of Rasam can be made using various major ingredients.Tamarind Rasam is one of the popular types.Tamarind Rasam is a spicy soup like fluid made using Tamarind juice, Tomatoes, Pepper powder, Jeera powder, Coriander powder, Red Chilly powder and Hing powder.Tamarind Rasam is a delicious and healthy dish which helps to prevent constipation and improve your appetite.The recipe is simple, easy and quick to prepare.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this delicious Tamarind Rasam / Chinchamba Saaru.


Tamarind.             - a lemon size
Water.                    - 4 cup
Salt.                       - to taste
Tomato.                  - 2 small
Red chilly powder. - 2 tsp
Coriander powde.   - 2 tsp
Jeera powder.          - 1/2 tsp [Cumin powder]
Pepper powder.       -1tsp
Hing powder.          -1/4 tsp
Coriander leaves.    -1 bunch

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil/Oil. -1tbsp 
Dry Red chilly.    -1
Mustard seeds.    -1tsp
Curry leaves.       -2 spring
Garlic cloves       - 4

Instructions :-

Soak a lemon size Tamarind in 4 cups of hot water for 10 minutes.Then mash the soaked Tamarind well with hands and drain the skin. Extract Tamarind pulp and mix with the Water. Keep aside.

Wash and finely chop Tomatoes and keep aside.

Clean, wash and finely chop Coriander leaves and keep aside.

Peel and slightly crush Garlic cloves and keep aside.

Broke 1 dry Red chilly into 2 halves and keep aside.


In a cooking vessel add the Tamarind pulp mixed with water and add required Salt and allow it to boil for 2 minutes.

Lower the flame and add Red chilly powder, Coriander powder, Jeera powder [Cumin powder], Pepper powder and Hing powder. Mix well and boil for 2 minutes.

Add the finely chopped Tomatoes and cook well till the Tomatoes become little mushy.

Add the finely chopped Coriander leaves and boil well.Switch off the flame.

Heat 1tsp Coconut oil in a pan for seasoning and splutter Mustard seeds and saute well.Add dry Red chillies broken into halves and add Curry leaves.Saute well for a second.Add slightly crushed Garlic cloves and fry till golden colour and switch off the flame.

Add the above seasoning into the hot Tamarind Rasam in the vessel.

A tasty hot Tamarind Rasam adding spice powders is ready to serve with Rice.

Try this recipe and enjoy the dish. 

Saturday, 30 December 2017

DRY RED CHAWLI HUMMAN / Red Lobia Curry /Red Cow Peas Curry

Red Lobia / Red Cow Pea is called Red Chawli/Thambidi Chawli in Konkani.
It is a lentil used commonly in Konkani Cusine.Humman is a watery side dish.
In Kochi GSB homes Red Chawli Humman is best served along with steamed Rice / Kanji / Paaej as a watery side dish.This Chawli/Lobia recipe is very simple, easy and quick to make as there is no chopping

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this delecious Red Chawli Humman recipe.

Ingredients :-

Dry Red Chawli. -1cup

Salt.                    -to taste

For Seasoning :-

Oil.                     -2tsp
Mustard seeds. -1tsp
Dry Red chilly.   - 2 broken into halves
Curry leaves.     -1 spring
Garlic.                - 2 chopped (optional)
Hing  powder.    -1 tsp

Instructions :-

Soak 1 cup dry Red Chawli in Water for 6 hours.
Pressure cook the soaked Chawli for 2 whistles till cooked.Keep aside.
If you forget to soak the Chawli you should pressure cook it for longer time.Soaking makes the cooking easier.

Peel and chop Garlic into thin lengthy pieces and keep aside.

Method :-

Heat 2tsp Oil in a pan and splutter 1tsp Mustard seeds.

Add 2 dry Red chillies broken into two halves and add 1spring Curry leaves and fry well till the red chilly pieces slightly change its colour but not burn.

Add 2 chopped Garlic and fry till golden [-optional]

Add the cooked Chawli into the pan with cooked Water.

 Add Salt and 1tsp Hing powder.Mix well.

Cover the vessel with a lid and boil for 5 minutes. Switch off the flame.

A tasty Chawli Humman is ready to serve with hot steaming Rice or Paaej (Kanji).

Try the recipe and enjoy the dish.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

CAULI FLOWER DHEVI MASOLA GHASSI / Cauliflower Coconut Masala Curry

Cauliflower Dhevi Masola Ghassi is a Coconut based Konkani dish. Coconut Masala curry is called Ghassi and Coconut Masala paste is called Masolu in Konkani.This recipe is of GSB Kochi side.

Kochi GSB people make 2 types of Ghassi( Coconut Masala curry) with grated Coconut. 

One is called Dhevi Ghassi in which fresh Coconut grating is used for making Coconut Masala paste.
Another one is Soyi Bajjilli Ghassi in which roasted Coconut grating is used for making Coconut Masala paste. The ingredients used in both the Coconut Masala paste are also different.
No seasoning in Soyi Bajjilli Ghassi and the curry has a uniue flavour and taste.The seasoning in Dhevi Ghassi with Urad dal and Mustard seeds in Coconut oil  gives a unique flavour and taste to the Curry.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this delicious Cauliflower Dhevi Masola Ghassi /Caulifower Coconut Masala curry.


Tur dal.         -1/2 cup
Cauli flower. -1 medium size.
Water.           -1cup
Salt.              -to taste

Ambya sol or Dharambe sol.-2 small pieces

For grinding Coconut Masala paste:-

Coconut grated.    -1 cup
Dry red chillies.    -6
Turmeric powder.  -1/4 tsp

For seasoning:-

Coconut oil.      -1tsp
Urad dal.          -1tsp
Mustard seeds.- 1tsp


Wash 1/2 cup of Turdal and pressure cook adding 1cup of Water for 2 whistles or till soft. Keep aside.

Seperate the florets from a medium size Cauliflower. Clean thoroughly and rinse them well under running Water.Keep aside.

Grind the Coconut grating,dry Red chillies and Turmeric powder to a smooth paste adding very little Water. Keep aside the ground Coconut Maala paste.


Boil 1cup of  Water in a cooking vessel and add the cleaned Cauliflower florets.

Add required Salt and a pinch of Turmeric powder. Close the vessel with a lid and cook the Cauliflower florets till soft on medium flame.

Add Ambya sol (dry Mango Piece) or Dharambe sol (Kudampuli) into the cooking vessel and boil for a minute on low flame.

Add the cooked Tur dal and mix well and boil for 2 minutes on low flame.

Add the ground Coconut Masala paste and mix well.Boil and cook on low flame for few minutes till the raw smell of the Masala paste goes off .

The consistency of the gravy is semi thick. You can add Water according to the consistency of your choice and then switch off the flame.
Semi thick gravy is good for serving.

Heat Coconut oil in a pan and add Urad dal.When Urad dal starts to change its colour add Mustard seeds.When the Mustard seeds splutter switch off the flame.

Pour this seasoning on the Cauliflower Coconut Masala Curry in the vessel and close the vessel with the lid.The seasoning in Coconut oil gives a unique flavour and taste to the Curry.

A tasty, delicious Cauliflower Dhevi Masola Ghassi is ready to serve with Rice.

Try this recipe and enjoy the dish.

JEEVO AMBO & MASINGA SANGA DHEVI GHASSI / Kochi GSB style Raw Mango Drumstick Coconut Masala Curry

Raw Mango is called Jeevo Ambo and Masinga sang is called Drumstick in Konkani.

Jeevo Ambo & Masinga sanga Ghassi is a coconut based Masala  curry using raw mango  and drumstick.This recipe is of  GSB Kochi side.

Kochi GSB people make 2 types of Ghassi [Masala curry] using grated Coconut..One is called Dhevi Ghassi and another one is Soyi Bajjilli Ghassi.

In Dhevi Ghassi fresh Coconut grating is used for making the Coconut Masala paste and 

in Soi Bajjilli Ghassi roasted Coconut grating is used for making the Coconut Masala paste and the ingredients used in  both Coconut Masala paste are also different .In Soi Bajjilli Ghassi no seasoning is done and the gravy has a unique flavour and taste.

The Seasoning of Urad dal and Mustard seeds in Coconut oil makes Dhevi Ghassi more delicious and tasty.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this delicious Dhevi Ghassi.


Drumstick.   - 3
Raw Mango. - 1
Water.            -1 cup
Salt.               -to taste

For grinding Coconut Masala paste:-

Coconut grated.   -1cup
Dry Red chilly.    -6
Turmeric powder. - 1/4tsp

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil     .-1 tsp
Urad dal.          -1tsp
Mustard seeds. -1tsp


Wash and peel the outer skin of 4 Drum stick and chop into 1and 1/2 inch lengthy pieces.Keep aside.

Wash and chop 1Raw Mango into big square pieces.Keep aside.

Grind 1cup grated Coconut, 6 dry Red chillies and 1/4 tsp Turmeric powder adding 3tbsp water to a smooth paste.Keep aside.


In a cooking vessel boil 1cup Water and add the chopped Drumstick pieces and cook till soft.

Add the Mango square pieces and mix with the Drumstick pieces and cook till soft.

Add Salt and little Water and boil well. Cover the vessel with a lid and cook for 5 minutes on medium flame.

Add the ground Coconut Masala paste to the cooked vegetables in the vessel and mix well.

Add required Water and boil to adjust the consistency.The gravy should be semi thick. Switch off the flame.

Heat 1tsp Coconut Oil in a small pan and add 1tsp Urad dal and when dal starts to change its colour splutter 1tsp Mustard seeds and switch off the flame.

Pour this seasoning over the Ghassi in the vessel.The seasoning in Coconut oil gives a unique flavour and taste to the Curry

A tasty Raw Mango & Drumstick Dhevi Ghassi is ready to serve with Rice.

Try this recipe and enjoy the dish.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

JEEVI THORI UPKARI/ Green pigeon peas Stir Fry / Togarikalu Curry

Green pegion peas is the fresh form of Toor dal.Green pegion peas is called Jeevi Thori in Konkani and Togarikalu in Kannada.

Togarikalu/ Jeevi Thori is famous in Karnataka. This fresh Green pegion peas is rich in Protein.
People in Karnataka prepare varieties of dishes with this Pigeon peas.

Jeevi Thori Upkari is a healthy dish and the recipe is simple and easy to prepare.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this delicious Jeevi Thori Upkari.


Jeevi Thori/ Green Pigeon peas. -2cup
Mustardand.      -1tsp
Green chilly.      - 3
Garlic.                -2 flakes
Onion.                 -1 big
Curry leaves.       - few
Coriander leaves. - few.
Coconut grated.    - 4tbsp
Coconut oil.           -2tsp


Remove the seeds from the pods and clean the Green Pigeon Peas.

Pressure cook the Green pigeon peas/Jeevi Thori with enough Water for 2 whistles and keep aside.

Wash and half slit Green chillies lengthwise and keep aside.

Peel and slightly crush 2 Garlic and keep aside.

Finely chop Onion and keep aside.

Wash and finely chop few Coriander leaves.Keep aside.


Heat 2tsp Coconut oil in a pan and splutter Mustard seeds.

Add slightly crushed Garlic and fry till golden colour.

Add half slit Green chillies and saute well for few seconds.

Add finely chopped Onion and saute well till the Onion becomes translucent.

Add the cooked Green pegion peas/ Jeevi Thori and saute well.

Add Salt and sprinkle little Water.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook the Green pegion peas for 1 minute .Saute in between.

Add finely chopped Coriander leaves and saute well.

Add grated Coconut and mix well.

Cover the pan and cook on low flame for 1 minute.Saute well in between.

Then switch off the flame.

A tasty,yummy Jeevi Thori Upkari/ Green pegion peas Stir-fry is ready to serve.

Serv hot the Jeevi Thori Upkari as a side dish with Rice.

Try this recipe and enjoy the dish.

TOMATO CHIRDILLO / Tomato Gojju / Mashed Tomato

Tomato Gojju is called Tomato chirdillo in Konkani and is an age old Konkani recipe.
Mashed Tomato with Green chilly and Salt and seasoning in Coconut oil with Mustard and Curry leaves is called Tomato Chirdillo in Konkani.

This Tomato Gojju is a little spicy and sour dish made using ripe Tomatoes, a delicious accompaniment to plain Rice and is a famous Konkani dish in Kochi GSB homes..My Mother used to make this recipe often in my child hood days. The seasoning in Coconut oil is awesome and makes the Gojju more  delicious.This is a no onion no garlic side dish.

The consistency of the Gojju is thick or semi thick or Watery. Adjust the consistency of the dish according to your choice.The recipe is simple, quick and easy to make with just few ingredients.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this Tomato Gojju.


Tomato.           - 4 medium size
Green chillies. - 3
Salt.                 -to taste

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil.      - 1tsp
Mustard seeds. -1tsp
Curry leaves.    -1 spring
Hing.powder.    -a pinch


In a cooking vessel boil 4 Medium size Tomatoes in 2 cup of Water till soft. When cool down peel the skin of the boiled Tomatoes and mash them thoroughly along with the cooked Water in the vessel manually. Keep aside.

Wash and finely chop the Green chillies into thin roundels.Keep aside.


In a small bowl add the finely chopped Green chilly roundels.Crush the Green chilly roundels with little Salt thoroughly with your fingers.

Add the crushed Green chilly Salt mixture into the cooking vessel and mix with the mashed Tomatoes well.

Someone like thick Gojju and some others like little watery.So adjust the consistency of the Gojju by adding Water according to your choice.

Check and adjust Salt and mix well.

Heat Coconut oil in a pan and splutter Mustard seeds. Add Curry leaves and fry the Curry leaves for a second.Add a pinch of Hing powder and mix well. Switch off the flame.

Add this seasoning on the Tomato Gojju in the cooking vessel.

A lip smacking  and tangyTomato Gojju is ready to serve. Serve this yummy Tomato Chirdillo/ Tomato Gujju as a side dish with Rice and also goes well with Chapathi, Idli, Dosa and almost with every break fast dish. 

Try the recipe and enjoy the dish.

Thanks for reading the Post. Please drop your valuable Comments if you liked this post.Thank you.

AVAREKALU MASALA CURRY / Jeevo Overa Upkeri / Hyacinth beans Curry / Flat beans Curry.

Hyacinth beans / Flat beans is called Avarekalu in Kannada and Jeevo Overo in Konkani.

Avarekalu is harvested in the month of October - December/ thorough out the winter season. Avarekalu is a popular beans in Karnataka.The harvest of this beans is a celebration in Karnataka .People in Karnataka prepare varieties of dishes with Avarekalu.

This beans has its own taste and flavour.
There is an exclusive Food Fest for these beans in Bangalore,where farmers from various rural areas bring their fresh crops and sell these beans in one market.

We used to visit the Annual Avarekalu mela at Food street in VV Puram,Bangalore every year when we were in Bangalore.The Food street is lined up with food stalls and 40 -50 varieties of food both sweet and sovoury are made out of these beans and were available for sale.Avare dosa with Avarekalu, Avare Idli, Avarekalu Vada, Avarekalu Sambar, Avarekalu Pani Puri, Akki roti etc are some of the foods we tasted in this food fest.

Avarekalu Masala Curry is a simple curry to accompany with Chapathi, Phulkas, Roti, Paratha and also used as a side dish with Rice.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this Avarekalu Masala Curry.


Avarekai/Overo/ Hyacinth beans. -2 cup
Onion.                      -1 large
Green chillies.          -3
Garlic.                      -5
Curry leaves.           -1 spring
Tomato.                   -2 medium size
Red Chilly powder. -1tsp
Turmeric powder.    -1/4 tsp
Water.                      -2 cup
Mustard seeds.        -1tsp
Salt.                         -to taste
Coconut oil/ Oil.     -2tsp


Remove the seeds from the pods and clean them .Keep aside.
Sometimes the seeds are soaked for 4 hours in Water and the outer peel of the seed is taken out and the inner soft part is used for preparing varieties of dishes.

You can either direct cook this seeds or cook them in Pressure cooker for just 1 whistle.It should be neither crunchy nor too mushy.

Finely chop Onion and Garlic and keep aside.

Wash and finely chop Tomatoes and keep aside.

Wash and half slit Green Chillies lengthwise and keep aside.


Heat Coconut oil/Oil in a pan and spluttter Mustard seeds.

Add finely chopped Onion and saute well till the Onion becomes translucent.

Add half slit Green Chillies, chopped Garlic and the Curry leaves and saute well for 2 minutes.

Lower the flame and add Red chilly powder and Turmeric powder and saute for 2 minutes.

Add finely chopped Tomatoes, required Salt and saute well till the Tomato becomes soft.

Add 1cup Water and bring the gravy to boil.

Add the Avarekai and cover the pan with a lid and cook the beans for 10 minutes on low flame.

Add 1cup Water and cook the Avarekai again for 10 minutes till soft but firm.

[You can pressure cook this beans with little Water just for 1 whistle]

Saute in between and when the Avarekai cooked well and the gravy thickens switch off the flame.

A yummy Avarekalu Masala Curry is ready to serve hot

Serve the Avarekalu Masala curry/ Jeevo Overa Upkeri with Chapathi, Phulka, Roti, Paratha and also serve as a side dish with steamed Rice.

Try the recipe and enjoy the dish.

Thanks for reading the post.Please drop your valuale Comments if you liked this post.. Thank you.


Potato is called Batato/ Kook and mashed is called Chirdella in Konkani. Mashed Potato  mixed with  finely chopped Onion, Green chilly, Salt and Tamarind is called Kook & Onion Chirdella / Batato Onion Gojju.You can also make this delicious side dish without adding finely chopped Onion.Adding finely chopped Onion makes the dish more crunchy and tasty. The seasoning in Coconut oil makes the Gojju more flavourful and delicious and goes well as a side dish with rice.

Kook Chirdella is an age old and a very famous GSB Konkani dish.My mother use to make this side dish without Onion in our childhood days.The recipe is simple, delicious, quick and easy to prepare just with limited ingredients.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare Kook & Onion Chirdella / Mashed Potato adding Onion & Greenchilly/ Batato Onion Gojju.


Potato.           -1big
Green chilly. -3
Salt.              -to taste
Tamarind.     -a goose berry size
Onion.          -1 big 

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil/ Oil. -1tsp
Mustard seeds.   -1tsp
Curry leaves.     -1 spring 


Wash, clean and pressure cook 1big Potato adding little water for 3 whistles or till soft.

Remove the cooked Potato from cooker and when cooled peel the outer skin and mash the cooked Potato with hands without any lumps and keep aside

Wash and finely chop 3 Green chillies into thin roundels and keep aside.

Soak Tamarind in little Water and extract the Tamarind Pulp. Keep aside.

Peel,wash and finely chop Onion and keep aside


In a mixing bowl crush 3 finely chopped Green chilly roundels with little Salt thoroughly with your hands.

Add the boiled and mashed Potato in the mixing bowl and mix well with the  crushed Green chilly roundels.

Add the extracted Tamarind pulp in the mixing bowl.Mix and mash well with the mashed Potato Green chilly mixture.

Check Salt and adjust little Salt if needed and mix well.

Add finely chopped Onion and mix well to make the Gojju crunchy and tasty.

Heat Coconut oil in a pan for seasoning and splutter Mustard seeds and saute well.Add Curry leaves and fry for a second and then switch off the flame.

Pour the above seasoning into the Kook & Onion Chirdella / Mashed Potato in the mixing bowl.

Transfer the delicious side dish to a serving bowl.

A tasty, yummy and crunchy Kook & Onion Chirdella / Mashed Potato adding Onion & Green chilly / Batato Onion Gojju is ready to serve as a side dish with rice.

Monday, 25 December 2017

KOOK CHINCAMB CHIRDELLA / Mashed Potato in Spicy Tamarind / Spicy Batato Gojju with Tamarind

Potato is called Batato/ Kook in Konkani and Tamarind is called Chinchamb in Konkani.

Batato Gojju is a good old Konkani recipe.It is a delicious and spicy Gojju cooked with mashed Potato, Onion, roasted Red chillies and tangy Tamarind.This Gojju is often  prepared in Kochi GSB homes.  

The seasoning in Coconut oil makes this Gojju more flavourful and delicious.

Mashed Potatoes make the perfect side dish for any meal.It is a easy and quick to prepare dish with just few ingredients.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this delicious Gojju recipe.


Potato.                      -1 big size
Onion.                       -1big roughy chopped
Roasted Red chillies -4
Tamarind.                 -a marble size.
Salt.                          -as per taste.

For seasoning:-

Coconut Oil.    -1tsp
Mustard seeds. -1tsp
Curry leaves.   -1spring
Onion [small]  -1 finely chopped


Wash and Pressure cook 1big Potato adding little water for 3 whistle or till soft. When cool peel the skin and mash the Potatoes with Potato masher or with hands until no lumps remain to get a smooth and creamy mashed Potatoes. Keep aside.

Remove the outer skin of 1big Onion.Wash and chop the Onion roughly and keep aside.

Wash and finely chop 1small Onion for seasoning.Keep aside.

Roast 4 Red Chillies in little Oil.Keep aside.

Soak a small marble size Tamarind in little Water.Keep aside.

Grind the roasted red chillies and soaked Tamarind with Water.Add roughly chopped Onion and grind again to a smooth paste.Keep aside.


Transfer the ground mixture to a mixing bowl.Add Salt and mix well.

Add the peeled and mashed Potato in the mixing bowl and mix well with the ground Tamarind chilly mixture .

The consistency of the Gojju should be thick.

Heat 1tsp Coconut Oil in a pan and splutter 1tsp Mustard seeds.
Add 1spring Curry leaves and saute well.
Add the finely chopped Onion and saute well till the Onion becomes translucent and then switch off the flame.

Add the above seasoning into the Gojju in the mixing bowl and mix well.

A lip smacking Kook Chinchamb Chirdille/ Spicy Batato Gojju withTamarind is ready to serve as a side dish with Rice.

Try this recipe and enjoy the dish.

KOOK THAKKANTHU CHIRDELLA / Mashed Potato in Curd /Batate Thakka Gojju

Potato is called Batato/ Kook in Konkani.Mashed Potato is called Kook Chirdille and Curd is called Thaak in Konkani.Mashed Potato and Green chilly mixed in Curd with seasoning is called  Kook Thakkanthu Chirdella /Batate Thakka Gojju in Konkani.You can use any cooking oil for seasoning. But the seasoning in Coconut oil makes this recipe flavourful and delicious.

Batate Gojju with Curd is an age old Konkani recipe and is a very famous dish of  Kochi GSB Community.The recipe is very easy and quick to prepare with just few ingredients.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this delicious Gojju recipe.


Potato.             - 1big
Green chillies. -2
Salt.                -to taste
Curd.              -1cup

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil.      -1tsp
Mustard seeds. -1/2 tsp
Curry leaves.   -1 spring


Wash and pressure cook 1big Potato adding little Water for 3 whistles or till soft. Remove from cooker and allow to cool the cooked Potatoes.Peel the skin and mash the Potatoes well with fingers without any lumps.Keep aside.

Wash and finely chop 2 Green chillies into thin roundels and keep aside.


In a mixing bowl add the finely chopped Green chillies and smash with little Salt mannualy.

Add the peeled and mashed Potato in the mixing bowl and mix with the finely chopped and smashed Green chilly Salt mixture and mix well.

Pour 1cup Curd in the mixing bowl and mix well with the smashed Potato and Green Chilly Salt mixture.

Check and adjust Salt.

The consistency of the Gojju is semi thick.
Add little boiled and cooled Water to bring it to the required Consistency.

Heat Coconut oil in a pan and splutter Mustard seeds. Add Curry leaves and fry for a second.Then switch off the flame.

Pour this seasoning into the Potato Green chilly Curd mixture in the mixing bowl and mix well.

Mashed Potato in Curd /Kook Thakkanthu Chirdella is ready to serve as a side dish with Rice.

Try the recipe and enjoy the dish.

JEEVO OVARA UPKARI /Avarekalu Masala Curry / Hyacinth beans Curry/ Flat beans Curry.

Hyacinth beans / Flat beans is called Avarekalu in Kannada and Jeevo Overo in Konkani.

Avarekalu is harvested in the month of October - December/ thorough out the winter season. Avarekalu is a popular beans in Karnataka.The harvest of this beans is a celebration in Karnataka .People in Karnataka prepare varieties of dishes with Avarekalu. This beans has its own taste and flavour.

There is an exclusive Food Fest for these beans in Bangalore,where farmers from various rural areas bring their fresh crops and sell these beans in one market.
We used to visit the Annual Avarekalu mela at Food street in VV Puram,Bangalore every year when we were in Bangalore.Thee Food street at VV Puram in Bangalore is lined up with food stalls .You will get 40 50 varieties of food both sweet and savoury  made out of these beans. Avare dosa with Avarekalu,  Avera Idli, Avarekalu Vada, Avarekalu Sambar, Avarekalu Pani Puri, Akki roti etc are some of the foods we tasted in this food fest.Entry to the festival is free.

Avarekalu Masala Curry is a simple curry to accompany with Chapathi, Phulkas, Roti, Paratha and also used as a side dish with Rice.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this Avarekalu Masala Curry.


Avarekai/ JeevoOvro/ Hyacinth beans. -2 cup
Onion.                      -1 large
Green chillies.          -3
Garlic.                       -5
Curry leaves.            -1 spring
Tomato.                     -2 medium size
Red Chilly powder.    -1tsp
Turmeric powder.      -1/4 tsp
Water.                        -2 cup
Mustard seeds.          -1tsp
Salt.                            -to taste
Coconut oil/ Oil.          -2tsp


Remove the seeds from the pods and clean them .Keep aside.
Sometimes the seeds are soaked for 4 hours in Water and the outer peel of the seed is taken out and the inner soft part is used for preparing varieties of dishes.

Finely chop Onion and Garlic and keep aside.

Wash and finely chop Tomatoes and keep aside.

Wash and half slit Green Chillies lengthwise and keep aside.


Heat Coconut oil/Oil in a pan and spluttter Mustard seeds.

Add finely chopped Onion and saute well till the Onion becomes translucent.

Add half slit Green Chillies, chopped Garlic and the Curry leaves and saute well for 2 minutes.

Lower the flame and add Red chilly powder and Turmeric powder and saute for 2 minutes.

Add finely chopped Tomatoes, required Salt and saute well till the Tomato becomes soft.

Add 1cup Water and bring the gravy to boil.

Add the Avarekai/Jeevo Overo and stir well.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook the beans for 10 minutes on low flame.

Add 1cup Water and cook the Avarekai again for 10 minutes till soft.

Saute in between and when the Avarekai cooked well and the gravy thicken switch off the flame.

A yummy Avarekalu Masala Curry is ready to serve hot.

Serve the Avarekalu Masala curry/ Jeevo Overa Upkari with Chapathi, Phulka, Roti, Paratha and also serve as a side dish with steamed Rice.

Try the recipe and enjoy the dish.

Sunday, 24 December 2017

TURKEY BERRY POTATO STIR FRY/Chunda phal Kukka Upkari/Chundanga Urulakizangu Curry.

Turkey berry is called Chunda phal and Potato is called Kuk in Konkani.Turkey berry & Potato is a good combination and makes the dish more tasty and delicious.The recipe is of GSB Kochi side.The rccipe is simple, quick and easy to make with limted ingredients.

The following ingredients are needed to prepare this delicious Stir fry.


Turkey berry. -1/2 cup
Potato.            -1 large
Salt.                -to taste

For Seasoning:-

Coconut oil.           -2tsp

Mustard seeds.       -1tsp
Green chilly.          -1
Curry leaves.          -few
Red chilly powder. -1/2 tsp
Hing powder.          -1/2 tsp


Peel the skin, wash and chop one large Potato into 1inch lengthy pieces.Pressure cook the chopped Potato pieces for 1whistle adding enough water and keep aside.

Wash and chop each Turkey berry into halves. Take 1cup water in a bowl and add the chopped Turkey berry halves.So they will not became black in colour.Keep aside.

Wash and half slit Green chillies lengthwise and keep aside.


Heat 2tsp Coconut Oil  in a pan and splutter Mustard seeds and saute well.

Add half slit Green chilly and fry for a minute. Add few Curry leaves and saute well.

Lower the flame and add 1/2tsp Red Chilly powder and 1/2 tsp Hing powder powder and mix well.

Add  boiled Potato pieces into the pan and stir well.

Drain the water and add the chopped Turkey berries into the pan and mix with the cooked Potato pieces.

Add Salt and sprinkle 1tbsp of water and stir well.Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 2 minutes till the Potato pieces and Turkey berries cooked well.Stir in between and switch off the flame.

A tasty Turkey Berry Potato Stir Fry / Chunda phal Kukka Upkari is ready to serve as a side dish with rice.

Ash gourd Moong dal Curry / Kumbalanga Parippu Curry

Ash gourd moong dal curry also known as Kumbalanga parippu curry in malayalam is made with ash gourd, split yellow moong dal, shallots and...