Monday 11 June 2018

Birmi Karmbal (Bimbul) Chirdille - Konkani recipe / Mashed Bilimbi.

Bilimbi fruit is called Birmi Karmbal / Bimbul in Kokani.Birmi Karmbal Chirdilla is a Konkani style mashed Bilimbi fruit.This mouth watering dish is vey simple to prepare and goes well with Rice or Kanji [gruel made with Red Rice].


Birmi Karmbal. -7 or 8
Green chilly.    -4
Shallots.          -4
Salt.                - to taste
Coconut Oil.   -2 tsp.

Bilimbi fruit / Birmi Karmbal

Instructions :-

Cook Birmi Karmbal/Bilimbi adding little water till soft and well cooked.Keep aside.

Peel and finely chop Shallots into thin roundels and keep aside.

Chop Green Chillies into thin roundels and keep aside.

Method :-

In a small bowl add the finely chopped Shallots and Green Chilly roundels and mix with little Salt.

Mash all the above three ingredients together with your fingers thoroughly and mix well.

Mash the cooked Bilimbi slightly and mix with the mashed Shallot+ Green chilly +Salt mixture.Mix again all the ingredients well.

Pour 2tsp Coconut Oil over the above Bilimbi Mixture.

A very yummy, mouth watering and lip smacking Birmi Karmbal chirdille / Mashed Bilimbi is ready to serve as side dish with Rice or Kanji.

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